"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Meditation Tips for the Beginning of the School Year!

written by Emma Bartley

If you can’t tell by now, the She is Fierce team and I think meditation is very important! When you are stressed, meditation is such a beneficial way to calm down. We know that the beginning of the school year can be very stressful, so this is a perfect time for trying some new meditation techniques! Here are just a few.

1. Listen to some meditative music.

If you struggle to just do breathing exercises because your mind wanders, you might want to try listening to meditative music. A song that I really enjoy is “Weightless” by Marconi Union. It is said to reduce anxiety by as much as 65%! It is extremely calming and is a great way to relax if you are ever stressed.

2. Exercise!

Exercise is not what you would first think of when you think of meditation, but it is a wonderful relaxation tool. You can go running or even just walking, for as little or as much as you want. Exercising releases endorphins that make you feel better, and it is a great way to clear your mind. If you are like me and may not like exercising as much, I would try dancing! I love to do Just Dance because it is not only fun but is also a great source of exercise.

3. Color and make decorative designs.

Finally, a great way to get your mind off of things is to color or just make decorative designs. I love to do something called Zentangle, which is pictured to the left. It is a way of drawing that you can look up to get more design ideas! Coloring is fun and easy to do, so it does not cause any unnecessary stress. Plus, it essentially forces yourself to focus on something other than what is worrying you, so you can very easily relax!

I hope that these tips help you when are stressed this school year!