"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

What If??

written by Emma Bartley

Ambiguity. The unknown. Something I have often struggled with.

This school year has probably been the most ambiguous year of my life. With college applications and “the future” as the biggest topic of the school year, I have been constantly reminded of what I don’t know. I don’t know what the future looks like for me! And when I began to dwell on that, it becomes very scary.

These past few months, I have continually focused on the “what-if’s.” What if I don’t get into my dream college? What if I hate my major? What if my college roommate and I don’t get along? These questions have made me feel very anxious. I know this isn’t just an issue for me, though; many of my friends have expressed the same worries.

However, an inspiring person in my life gave me some wonderful advice that I’d like to share with you. Instead of focusing on the uncertainty – the what-if’s – focus on the certainty. Instead of asking yourself, “What if I don’t get into my dream college?”, think about what you DO know about yourself. I am a strong student. I am hardworking. I did everything I could when filling out my application. Whatever it may be, focus on the truth.

This doesn’t only apply to college; this can apply to any daily situation! If you are worried about meeting a new person, instead of wondering “What if the situation is awkward?,” remind yourself that you have met many new people in your life and have gotten through many awkward situations.

Ambiguity is always present, so instead of drowning in the anxiety of uncertainty, I’m going to focus on what I know.  I’m going to focus on the present.

“Life remains ambiguous as long as there is life.” -Paul Tillich