"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Let’s End This Year Strong!

written by Emma Bartley

I totally get it. It’s the end of the year. It’s getting warmer; you can wear summer clothes, listen to fun music, spend more time outside. You want summer to be here and you are counting down the days. You want school to end. But, I cannot express the importance of ending the year off strong!

The end of the year is just as important, if not more important, than the beginning of the year. Your grades count just as much as they did, and in the case of finals, they are even worth more. If you are to slack off and stop working right at the end, it can damage your grades!

And, if you have a grade that’s right on the edge of being a B or A, the end of the year can be crucial to bumping that grade up! I have heard so many stories of people having B’s all semester and raising a letter grade right at the end of the year!

To make sure you end this school year on a good note, here are some tips to help!
  1. Keep up with your calendar! Don’t let yourself get disorganized right at the end of the year. I know that is one of things people begin to do; they start to slide and procrastinate because they are very little days of the school year left.
  2. Stick to your routine! Wake up at the same time, do your homework at the same time, go to sleep at the same time. Don’t sacrifice your sleep hours so that you can catch up on work you procrastinated on!
  3. Stay involved! Keep yourself busy. Keep going to your club meetings and extra-curricular activities. By staying involved, you are essentially forcing yourself to keep going!

I promise that the summer will be so much more rewarding if you know you gave it your all to the very end of the year. Persistence is key!