"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Fun Ways to Fight Procrastination!

written by Kate H.

To stop procrastination you must first understand why you do it! Whether you’re tired or are overwhelmed with other things to do, it is important to acknowledge why you are avoiding a task. Most of the time, it comes down to wanting to enjoy something else rather than working on something boring or hard. Whatever it may be, once you figure out what is making you avoid doing something, you can change the way you think about it so it is no longer dreadful. Below are some ways to help fight procrastination and make work feel less like work and more like something you enjoy doing!

Break it down into smaller sub tasks.

Then cross them off a to-do list. Taking smaller, reachable steps towards completion makes the task a whole seem more achievable.

Put on background music.

I find that oftentimes sitting in complete silence is great for reading, but if it is silent while I am working on something else I become bored and drowsy. By playing some light music in the background you can keep yourself alert and focused.

Plan ahead.

Before you sit down to do something, think of what may end up distracting you (phone, tv, friends, etc) and then make sure they don’t. If you are consciously thinking of these things and are aware of their ability to distract you, you can be more persistent in not letting them. You can even set a time for those distractions. This will create incentives for you to keep working because you know there is a specific time for you to take a break.

Ask for help or work with friends.

People often avoid tasks if they do not know how to do it or find it too complicated or stressful. If you have a friend who has the same task, get together and help each other. You are much more likely to finish something when someone else is there making you accountable. You have to know yourself, though. Sometimes working with someone can distract you even more. Be smart about who you chose to work with to ensure maximum productivity.

Tell someone else when you will have something done.

If you tell a parent, teacher, or even reliable friend that you are going to complete something by a certain deadline, you will hold yourself more accountable.

Talk to yourself.

You may want to go to your room or a private place for this one (or you can do it in your head). By giving yourself a pep talk you can change your attitude toward your tasks and become more determined to complete them. Whether you repeat promises of a bowl of ice cream when you’re done, remind yourself of the deadline for the project, or even recite a simple mantra, talking to yourself can increase your productivity.

  • To read about and see examples of mantras click on this link! 
Lastly, turn your task into a game.

There are many ways to do this. You can challenge a friend and see who can complete it first or set a timer and see if you can complete your task in the set amount of time. By changing the way you think about something from work to game you can change your outlook on your tasks.