"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Friday Fun: Creative Crafts!

written by Rachel W.

Make staying in fun with these cool crafts to do with friends!

When talking about crafts with friends, how could I not mention the classic friendship bracelet? This link will take you to a page with instructions that are easy to follow.


Tie-dye is fun to do in your backyard if you are okay with getting a little messy. You’ll make great memories and have a trendy, cute shirt to wear anywhere! Follow this link for different techniques for dying your shirts.



Make each other memory jars/boxes! You can write down all your favorite memories together on slips of paper, and when you need some cheering up you’ll have something to help you smile. Going along with this, you could also decorate your jar or box with stickers or craft paper.

Crayon art is another fun project to take on with your friends! This one calls for a bit more preparation but the results are awesome. Here’s a link that explains the process of making the art.

If you’re not in a crafty mood, you can make a playlist together! This is a great way to share music and can come in handy in the future.


Photo collages are a super cute way to make room décor out of your favorite pictures! Grab a picture frame or bulletin board and get to work putting pictures together.



Make a bucket list together! This will make it easier to make plans in the future, and it’s a cute reminder of all the things you want to do together.

Have fun making crafts with your friends!