"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Make You Think Thursdays: Paradoxes!

written by Kate H.

October is the month of Halloween and, for She is Fierce, creativity. So, why not combine the spooky, uneasiness of the holiday with some creative concepts?! These complex and sometimes frustrating paradoxes are super fun to challenge yourself and make you think deeper about certain situations. Some paradoxes are supposed to make sense, but others are not! Don’t let them frustrate you too much, just have fun reading them!


1) Rule: Ignore all the rules!

2) The following sentence is true. The preceding sentence if false.

3) Which came first- the chicken or the egg?

4) Swiss cheese:

-has lots of holes

-more holes means less cheese

-more cheese means more holes

-more cheese means less cheese?

5) Answer truthfully (yes or no): Will the next word you say be ‘no’?

6) If everything is possible, is it possible for something to be impossible?

7) “Nobody goes there because it’s too crowded”.

8) When your alarm goes off, it switched itself on.