"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Friday Fun: Trivia Facts!

written by Rachel W.

Education isn’t always as boring as it seems. Take a look at these fun facts to see how education can be interesting!

The University of Phoenix online is the largest online college in the US totaling 380,232 students.

The word “university” comes from the Latin word universitas meaning “the whole”.

About 480,000 school buses carry 25 million US children to and from school every day.

The average pencil can write about 45,000 words or draw a 35-mile long line.

About 775 million adults, or 12% of the world’s population, is considered illiterate.

Minneapolis, MN is the most literate city in the US.

The University of Karueein in Fez, Morocco is considered the world’s oldest, continually-functioning university. It has been operating since the year 859 AD.

By 2021, it is projected that nearly 52.7 million children will be enrolled in public schools in the US.

There are about 1.8 million home-schooled children in the US, making up 3.4% of the school-age population.

Children born to educated mothers are less likely to be malnourished or have stunted growth, and are 50% more likely to live past age 5.

Shimer College in Chicago, IL is considered the smallest college in the US, having enrolled 97 students in 2014.

Brooklyn Technical High School in Brooklyn, NY is the largest public high school in the US (based on enrollment). Brooklyn Tech, as it is commonly called, uses a system of majors like what you would find in college and is 12 stories high.

Harvard and Stanford turn away about half of their applicants who have a perfect SAT score.

Finland, Greenland, Luxembourg, and Norway all have literacy rates of 100%.

In Ancient Greek city-states (excluding Sparta), boys were sent to school at age 6 to learn how to read and write, play musical instruments, and debate. They graduated at 20 after completing military school.

A girl with an extra year of education can earn up to 20% more as an adult.

33% of students enrolled in online classes study business, and 60% of students enrolled work a full-time job.