"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

There Are 24 Hours in a Day. What Do You Do with Them?

written by Emma Bartley

There are 24 hours in a day. What do you do with them?

Before you read this article, I invite you to do a short exercise. Think of an ordinary day in your life. Take a piece of paper and draw a pie chart of how you spend your day. Is 30% of your day sleeping? Is 20% of your day on your phone? Be as accurate as you can.

Are you surprised?

This summer, I did this exercise, and I was surprised by how much of my day was doing things that weren’t important, like using my phone or watching TV. I decided to make a change. I was going to use my time more wisely. Here are some tips that helped me.

  1. Don’t completely eliminate down-time for yourself. Taking time for yourself is beneficial. But be intentional with your time.

While I still enjoyed some time on social media, I found this sometimes made me feel bad about myself or my life, so I decided to actively do some things that made me feel inspired or nourished.  Consider taking some to meditate. Watch a good movie. Do a craft.

One activity I started was bullet journaling. It not only sets up my week and keeps me organized but it also is relaxing and a fun way to start my week!

  1. Don’t waste time on negativity.

Someone once told me something like this:

If you had $86,400 and someone stole $10, would you waste the other $86,390 trying to get it back? Or would you move on? There are 86,400 seconds in a day; why waste so much time thinking about 10 negative seconds of your day?

It really put things in perspective for me. Maybe I saw a negative post on Instagram or someone made a mean comment to me. Why would I let those few seconds ruin the rest of my day?

  1. Use your time to sleep.

Some people think that sleep is a waste of time because you aren’t doing anything. But I have found that if I get enough sleep, it improves the rest of my day. I started trying to get at least eight hours of sleep every night, and it improved my mood exponentially. When I am well-rested, I am better able to take on anything that comes my way.

I challenge you to make a few changes this week to help better use your time. Then, at the end of the week, check to see how you spent your day.

There are 24 hours in a day. What do you do with them?