"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Taking Time for Friends

written by Emma Bartley

Since the school year started, life has been really busy!  I’ve been filling out college applications, doing homework, managing extracurriculars and my part-time job, running errands, finishing chores…and I’ve realized that all of the obligations haven’t left as much time as I’d like for fun. I was talking with my friends, and I realized we have been hanging out less recently because of how busy we all are.

But, friendships are actually very important to both our physical and mental health. Friends help lower anxiety rates, give us a more optimistic outlook on life, and even help us have a higher-functioning immune system. This is why it is so extremely important for us to make the most of the time that we do have with our friends. Here are some ways that you can nurture your friendships, even in the midst of busy schedules!

  1. When you do hang out with friends, stay off your phones.

This is a tough one!  Sherry Turkle, a professor at MIT and author of the book, Reclaiming Conversation noted that “Eighty-nine percent of Americans say that during their last social interaction, they took out a phone, and 82 percent said that it deteriorated the conversation they were in.”* We know that having screen-free time with our friends allows us to have better-quality interactions.  We can enjoy face-to-face conversations that are more connected and intimate without our phones. Using your phone wastes time and makes the time you have seem to pass by so much faster!

  1. If you can’t see them in real life, try FaceTime-ing!

If you are unable to find the time to be able to meet in person because you live too far away or schedules are too packed, try to FaceTime with your friend! You are still able to see their facial expressions when you are talking, and it is as close to being in person as you can get. A quick FaceTime keeps you up to date with your friends and is a quick and easy way to talk to them!

  1. Let them know when you are thinking of them.

If you are thinking of a friend or missing them, shoot them a quick text letting them know! Not only does it make your friend’s day better, but it also might spark a get-together. I know when I get an “I miss you” text from a friend, I want to see them!

  1. Say yes!

With such packed schedules, it can sometimes feel like going out with friends is just another obligation or item on the to-do list you need to accomplish. But, it is so important to say yes to your friends and spend quality time with them. Although you might be stressed, a few hours with good friends can refresh you and make everything else you have to do seem so much easier! 

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” -Thomas Aquinas
