"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

She is Fierce Kindness Challenge!

written by Emma Bartley

Because this is the beginning of the school year, it is a wonderful time to start something new! The She is Fierce Team wants to challenge YOU to start a streak of kindness at your school with the She is Fierce Kindness Challenge!

Here are some ways that you can spread kindness at your school!

  1. Send a note to your favorite former teacher to wish them a great school year and to tell them how much of an impact they had on you!
  2. Create a “kindness display” in your house to celebrate every act of kindness you give or receive, adding a post-it note to a bulletin board or a notebook.
  3. Hide encouraging sticky notes around your school to brighten up random students’ days.
  4. Make an effort to talk to a few people outside of your regular friend circle! This could be one or five people a day; whatever is comfortable for you!
  5. Bake cookies or another dessert and bring them to the front office to make their days just a little better!
  6. Pack extra snacks one day to give them out if someone forgets!
  7. Be kind to the earth! Recycle and pack a lunch with washable containers rather than plastic bags.
  8. Let a friend know why they’re a great friend!
  9. Hold the door for someone and flash your beautiful smile!
  10. Use social media to share thoughtful compliments and to spread positivity!
If you are kind to others, people will want to be kind to you! Kindness never fails to make you feel better. I hope that you spread kindness during this school year!