"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Back to School 2.0

written by Emma Bartley

It’s that time of the year again. School shopping is taking place, books are being bought, and class lists are coming out. School is just about to start. Just like last year, the She is Fierce team wanted to focus August on “Back to School” help. This year, you will see a wide range of articles about everything from reading, goal-setting, and finding the right college for you!

This month, in light of the theme, we chose a quote by Anthony J. D’Angelo: “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Remember that school is meant to help you grow as a person and educate the whole self. Take time this school year to find a passion for what you love!

Follow us on Instagram @SheisFierceInspires for weekly quotes related to the theme!

Here’s a quick video to inspire you at the beginning of the school year!