"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Stay Smart on Social Media!

written by Rachel W.

Social media has incredible power over our everyday lives. Through a constant stream of notifications, we hold all the information the internet has to offer in the palms of our hands. While this power can be extremely useful, it can also present some problems that are important to watch out for.

One danger of social media is that of anonymous users trying to gain personal information from social media profiles. Staying safe against this is super easy! Setting your account to private helps you control who follows you and what they can see. If you can, be wary of adding locations to posts. Lastly, always use your best judgement! If something doesn’t seem right, tell someone and try to get to the bottom of the problem.

Something interesting about social media is the line between what can be great and what can be bad. This is why it’s really important to keep in mind that what you post is the forefront of what people see about you! Staying positive and using platforms to uplift others gives a great impression of who you are, but any negative posts might give off the wrong idea. It can be easy to fall into what others are doing (good or not so good), so just be sure to always do what you think is right!

Making a good impression on social media is not only beneficial now, but also later on down the road with college admittance and searching for jobs. According to US News and World Report, 35 percent of college admissions officers check social media profiles of applicants. Imagine how much having a positive page can impact your future!

So how do you make your page a better place for both yourself and others? Start by making sure the accounts you follow are posting content that is positive. We are much more likely to start posting negative things if we see it a lot on our feed. Also, don’t be afraid to post about things that make you, you! Our differences make us unique, and if we are surrounded by uplifting and supportive people on social media, letting these characteristics show makes us 10 times happier. Just make sure to be a good supporter for your friends as well!

Even though social media has its downfalls, it can be a place for personal growth and happiness! Always remember to spread kindness through your posts and to stay safe online.

“Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” – Dave Willis