"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Making the Most of Your Future!

written by Kate H.

Who do you want to become? What do you want to be? Where do you want to go to school? Many of us are frequently asked these questions about the future. Regardless of your different individual answers, they most likely all concern ways to achieve success. But there is no quantitative way to measure success. So why do we try to do just that? Whether counting money, friends, or gadgets, we try to measure our own “successes” and compare them to those of our peers. But to what end? Why should these possessions even matter at all? Your future and your successes are your own and it is up to you, no one else, to make them what you want them to be! Below are three quotes to help you focus on taking initiative and achieving your goals now so that you may achieve your own success in the future.

There’s no time like the present!

Whether you’re trying to complete an assignment for school, reach out to a new friend, or motivate yourself to start practicing healthier habits, Abraham Lincoln’s quote above is a great reminder for all! If you’re worried about having to do something tomorrow, why not do it, or at least start it, today? You’ve heard it before, tomorrow is never guaranteed. Make the most of your time each day and try to do at least one thing that will benefit you tomorrow.

There will always be a “yesterday” and a imaginary “tomorrow,” but often times we forget about today!

We spend much of our time thinking about what happened yesterday or worrying about what will happen tomorrow. However, with the “present” of the present you can accomplish so much. We must try to focus the energy spent remembering the past or being anxious about the future on the tasks of today.

When focusing on improving the future, it is important to not be solely concerned with things that haven’t happened yet.

Even while preparing for the future, you must live and find happiness in the present. Everyone yearns for happiness and tries to look ahead for ways to find it. But, like the quote says, your happiness depends on your ability to live in the present. Acknowledge the gifts you have NOW without anxiety about what is to come. All you can do is put forth your best effort today and see what happens later!

One thought on “Making the Most of Your Future!

  • June 18, 2018 at 7:21 pm

    Emma and Kate,
    Great article on the present. I’d recommend following up with some information about mindfulness. Many young people have heard of it, but most do not know of the benefits to stress, anxiety, etc. and easy ways to practice being mindful this summer.

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