"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Things to Keep You Going!

written by Rachel W.

As the school year draws to a close, it can be hard to focus on anything other than summer break plans. However, it is super important to stay focused and to keep working hard these last months, so here are some ways to stay on top of things before school lets out for the year!

Being super excited for summer can bring an awful side-effect – procrastination. We all know the feeling; no matter how hard you try to concentrate, you just can’t seem to stay on task. This makes it hard to be on top of your work. However, you can cure your procrastination problems (at least for the rest of the school year)! Check out some other She is Fierce articles for some tips on how to curb procrastination to make it through the end of the school year.

Another way to stay focused is to reward yourself for hard work. It doesn’t have to be anything big, maybe just a nice bath or a Netflix break, but allowing yourself time away from the work you have can help you feel less burnt-out.

One thing I do to help me motivated during this part of the year is to stay excited about events going on at school. Yes, summer is coming, but so are spring pep rallies and sports games, new plays, and other club meetings! Having things to look forward to going to can help you keep going and take a break from all the stress that finals can bring.

It’s also extremely helpful to keep a positive attitude about this time of year. Finals may stink, but there is no better feeling than finishing a test knowing that you studied hard and got a good grade. Being optimistic about wrapping up the year gives you the chance to reflect on the fun you may have had with your friends in certain classes! It’s important to not wish the year away, especially as you grow older and approach leaving whatever school you are at. Learning how to appreciate the time you have at a certain place helps you stay motivated and take in your surroundings (along with the happy memories they bring).