"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Friendships…What Blessings!

written by Rachel W.

Friends are one of life’s greatest blessings, and you can express this by showing them how much they mean to you!

The most important way to show your friends that they mean a lot to you is simple – all you have to do is be there to support them! Nothing is more important to a relationship than listening, and if you have their back through everything it shows them that they are important to you. Just make sure you are a listener first and don’t focus so much on only giving advice!

One thing you shouldn’t feel obligated to do is spend a ton of money on your friends. Friendship means so much more than gifts, and while it is great to give them something for a birthday or Christmas, you can show them how much they mean to you in ways that don’t involve spending money.

Another thing you can do to show your friends that they are blessings is simply telling them! A random text, a note, or even just telling them in person can make a friend feel appreciated. Your individual relationship with your friends warrants how serious or goofy what you’re saying will be, but no matter what be honest and loving!

Something else that is important to all friendships is being reliable. It really stinks when plans get made and someone cancels at the last minute for an unimportant reason. If both you and your friends make each other a priority, it shows how much you value the relationship. Great friends don’t have to be together 24/7 but making time to hang out is extremely important. It shows just how much you care about your friends!

Lastly, it’s important that you don’t let disagreements ruin your friendships. Hopefully, you and your friends don’t ever fight with others or with each other. However, if this happens its important not to let high emotions get in the way of your relationship. Being able to work through any problems is extremely important and shows that you care about fixing any wrongs.

Take a few minutes after reading this to think about your friends and how special they are to you. Make sure you show them that they are a blessing in your life!