"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Keeping Up with The Kardashians…Wait…Your New Years’ Resolutions!

written by Rachel W.

Can you believe January is almost over already? This month has flown by, and at times it has seemed hard to keep up with everything going on. However, keeping up with New Year’s Resolutions doesn’t have to feel like a chore! Here are some ways to stick with your resolutions for 2018.

  • Motivation, motivation, motivation! The best way to stay on track with your goals is to make sure you are always motivated to continue. Whether you watch inspirational videos or listen to upbeat music to pump you up, staying in good spirits is the number one way to ensure that you will want to follow through with your resolutions.
  • Positivity is the key to turning your resolution into habit. Instead of making your resolution to lose weight, focus on eating healthy! Having a more optimistic mindset can make the resolution more attainable, and the goal can be used to left you up rather than tear you down.
  • Set achievable goals for yourself! Instead of trying to radically change a certain aspect of your life in a short amount of time, set yourself up for success by setting smaller goals that overall help you reach your big picture resolution.
  • Remember that you are in charge of your future. YOU decide your actions. YOU decide how a situation will affect you. YOU are the only person who determines how you should live. Use your resolutions as a positive force in your life to live the way you want!
  • Give yourself rewards for achieving goals! If you have something to look forward to it will make the journey seem more worth it.
  • Set reminders on your phone to help you! Everyone can be forgetful sometimes, but the best way to retain a habit is to do something repeatedly.
  • Lastly, start journaling! This is a great way not only to help motivate you as you look back at the week, month, or year, but it can be a useful tool in getting out all your negative thoughts.

“What you do today can improve your tomorrows.”

Good luck to all of you who have goals to accomplish this year! Remember to stay positive and always work hard. You can do anything you set your mind to 🙂

One thought on “Keeping Up with The Kardashians…Wait…Your New Years’ Resolutions!

  • January 31, 2018 at 3:10 pm

    Good advice!

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