"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Let’s Get Physical!

written by Kate H.

Trying something new can be hard. Trying to change or conquer your bad habits is a great example of something new that can be very difficult to do. You may ask, how long will it take? Will it always be this hard? Many people have suggested specific time frames that it takes for a habit to form, but science has proven that it varies greatly depending on the individual. Therefore it is important to know that we are all unique, and you cannot compare yourself to others. This statement is essential to remember when making goals for yourself. As you are making your resolutions for the new year, make sure you are making them for YOU and no one else.

There have also been studies that prove doing something long enough can actually evolve into a habit; your taste buds can change to crave fruits and veggies rather salt, exercise can actually become therapeutic, and you can even train your brain to think more positively. A few indulgences along the way will not affect your outcomes as long as you maintain healthy habits. So try something new every day, take some risks, and start living your best life possible!

Most commonly, New Years goals are aimed at improving health by doing something everyday. Along with some resolutions in my article on Dreaming Big, try the exercises below every morning when you get out of bed, a few minutes right before you take a shower, or complete just a few whenever you can find time. I like to do them as homework breaks, when commercials come on while watching t.v., in-between Netflix episodes, or even while I’m waiting for my food in the microwave! Ha! They are so easy to do anywhere in your home and do not require any equipment! Good Luck!

1: Touch your toes

2: Lunges

3: Jog in place or Jumping Jacks

4: Squat Jumps or Lunge Jumps

5: Push-ups

6: Various Core Exercises

Lastly, workouts do not have to be boring. The exercises above are well-known examples of effective ways to stay in shape, but there are so many unique ways to keep your fitness interesting. If you are looking for a longer routine, see the below exercises. I challenge you to choose two from each group and do each for one minute, 4 times through! Good luck!


Running, spinning, elliptical, stair-stepping, jumping jacks, high knees, jogging in place, burpees, mountain climbers, jump squats

These are all great ways to get your heart pumping and your body moving during the day.

Strength training:

Crunches, side crunches, v-sits, bicycles, push-ups, army push-ups, tricep dips, leg lifts, squats, lunges, calf raises

These are great ways to increase muscle tone and improve your strength. You can even add light ankle or wrist weights to increase difficulty as you progress.

P.S. Here’s a good YouTube playlist of workout songs to listen to!