"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Let’s Dream BIG!

written by Kate H.


People rarely talk about New Years without mentioning the infamous “resolutions”. However, the talk of resolutions often make people uncomfortable and self-conscious as many of them focus on weight, money, or looks. A resolution is meant to be so much more than that. A resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. Something, anything, it’s up to you! Dream big! What is important to you? What do you really want? There are three main problems that I have found with many resolutions that make it very hard to be successful with certain goals. Below are the problems I have seen and how I have turned them into benefits! It is very common to focus on what you may have lacked in 2017 and resolve to make it better this next year. This New Years, sit down and reflect on your successes of the past year and how you can continue them in 2018.

The first main problem with many resolutions is their negativity. Instead of not doing something, choose to do something instead. For example, instead of “Don’t eat junk food” make it a goal to “Eat more fruit”. By making your goals positive, you’re encouraging yourself rather than reprimanding yourself.

Secondly, people will often deviate from their resolutions within the first few days of the new year and quickly become discouraged. Always remember that everyone has bad days or even bad weeks and it is never too late to start new and try again. You do not even need a new year to change things in your life. Everyday holds new opportunities for you to become a better version of yourself!

Lastly, in order to set themselves up for success, people tend to make multiple general, shallow, or easily obtainable resolutions for their new year. They avoid making few, more challenging goals out of fear of failure. But, I challenge you to ask yourself: why not? Why not make lofty goals? Why not be ambitious and challenge yourself? If it doesn’t work out, what will happen? When pushing yourself, your results are guaranteed to be more fulfilling and you will feel success and accomplishment beyond measure.

Below are some examples of more specific, positive, and slightly challenging goals that will push you to be your best in 2018. By making a specific, obtainable goal it will be easier to measure success and see a difference every day. However, these are just examples. Think of resolutions that are specific to your life and will benefit YOU!

Simple Everyday Lifestyle Changes:
  1. Be Proactive. Try not to let your “to-do” list grow and leave certain items on it for too long. Completing tasks soon after they are assigned is more rewarding and allows you to enjoy moments of free time later without dwelling on what you eventually have to do.
  2. Try to stick to a regular daily schedule. When your body is used to a normal routine, you are more likely to stick to eating goals and getting up in the morning will be easier: something we all want – to not be tempted to hit snooze!
Healthy Living:
  1. Eat fruits or vegetables with every meal. By simply adding a serving of fruits or veggies to each meal you will be receiving more nutrients and antioxidants, thus boosting your immune system and increasing your overall health.
  2. Drink a glass of water with every meal. Hydration is very important for your health as water makes up between 50-60% of one’s body weight. Drinking water and staying sufficiently hydrated can increase energy, flush toxins, and boost the immune system.
  3. Eat breakfast every morning. This habit makes it easier for you to make healthier choices throughout the day, can improve your concentration and ability to retain information, and even enhance your physical performance in sports and physical activities.
  4. Move for at least 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t necessarily have to be “exercise,” but move your body and get your heart rate up. For example, take a walk, play “Just Dance” with family or friends, or even jog in place while watching TV!
Building Relationships:
  1. Call a family member once a week. Amidst our busy lives we can often find ourselves neglecting to talk with family or friends who live out of town or those we simply do not see everyday. Set aside an hour once a week that is dedicated time for you to call that certain someone with whom you would like to keep in touch.
  2. Text your friends every holiday. There’s nothing that says “I’m thinking of you and appreciate you” more than a simple text wishing you a happy holiday on special days. Whether it’s a birthday, Christmas, or 4th of July, reach out to your loved ones to show your appreciation.

To achieve success with your goals, you must set yourself up for success. Plan. Record. Find ways to measure your achievements to feel the most successful. Remember to never become discouraged by a few slip ups. Everyone has them! Just keep doing your best, putting in work, and have a great 2018!