"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Tuesday Tidbit: How to Handle STRESS!

written by Kate H.

Feeling stressed? Can’t catch your breath? Feeling like your mind is spinning and never stops? While these can be signs of ambition, hard work and determination, they can also be signaling to you that you need to slow down or take a breath and let yourself recover from the craziness of everyday life.

December is a stressful month. From finding presents for loved ones, to exams, to family coming in town, there is much to be done and little time to do it. However, December is an amazing month too. From religious celebrations, to family time, to simply getting a break, this month provides many opportunities to find happiness in your life.

Often times the stress, felt by many, is a product of “the unknown”. None of us know what our exams will be like, we don’t know what our final grade will be, we do not know if we will have time to get the presents we want to give to family and friends, we don’t even know how much sleep we will get tonight. The “unknowns” are inevitable; therefore it is up to us to determine how we will handle them. We prepare the best we can for our tests, try to find what time to go shop, try to plan out dinners for family time; all of which are great ways to ready ourselves for what’s to come. However, when we become obsessed with our preparation, we can begin to become overwhelmed and feel as though if we do not accomplish all that we have planned; everything will fall apart. It is good to be organized and prepared, but we cannot become so fixated and reliant upon everything we plan that we lose sight of here and now. Below are some ways to help center yourself and calm yourself down from the stress that encompasses not only the month of December but every day of our lives.

I think it is important remind yourself to take some of these tips and make them a constant in your life without letting them become another “to-do” item on your list. Otherwise, it just defeats the purpose of making the most of the moments you have!

Delete negative accounts or the accounts of people who make you second guess yourself or your worth from your social media accounts. Your social media is supposed to help you stay in touch with friends and express yourself, not compare yourself to others.

-In moments of stress or sadness or worry, take the time to acknowledge how you feel. Take a deep breath and talk to yourself. Say for example,”I am worried because….”. Often times verbalizing your internal feelings can allow you to see the bigger picture.

If you are stressed about the future, repeat to yourself what you know right now. In other words, instead of focusing on the “unknowns” tell yourself what you DO know. It could be as simple as the date, your name, your age, the names of family members or friends who you know will always love you and support you. By focusing on the present, it will be easier to know that you can accomplish whatever you want in the future.

Below are simpler methods you can do each day!

-Spend a few extra minutes in the warm shower. Either clear your mind, or focus on some things you are grateful for during the extra time.

-Listen to a rainstorm or another calming noise before bed.  Click here for a link  to my favorite thunderstorm sound to help you relax!

-Find a time each week to organize yourself and look at the days ahead of you to better prepare yourself for what’s to come! My favorite time is Sunday afternoon/night as it allows me to better prepare for the week ahead.

-Take deep breathes each morning or each night to calm and center yourself. Click here to follow a diagram for a steady pace.

Self-care is very important. Not only is it okay to be selfish every once in a while, it’s necessary! I hope you can use some of the tips above to help you focus on today and what you can do NOW instead of worrying too much about the future!