"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Healthy Lunch Ideas!

written by Rachel W.

Packing your lunch for school can sometimes be a struggle. Here are some quick and easy ideas to make your lunch healthier and easier to pack!

First, you need a good source of carbs or protein to fill you up! You could make a wrap, have some crackers and hummus, or make a classic PB&J (my favorite!). If you can spend a little extra time the night before, you could make some pasta and put in the fridge until morning. Also, if your school has a microwave in the cafeteria, you could always bring leftovers from dinner the night before. Making sure you have a healthy main part of your meal is essential to being able to finish the day strong!

Next up are fruits and veggies. The best part about them is that not only are they are healthy, but they also taste amazing! My go-to’s are apples, oranges, grapes, carrots, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes, but you can pack anything you like! Salads are also a great option because you can add anything you want.

Now you can add any other snacks that you love. For example, I bring pretzels and Goldfish in my lunch all the time, but you could also bring popcorn, a cheese stick, fruit snacks, peanuts, etc.

While it is important to make sure you are eating healthy food throughout the day to keep your energy up, it is just as important to watch your portion sizes! It may not seem like a big deal, but controlling the amount of a certain food you eat everyday can really make a big impact.

Kebabs are a great way to brighten up your lunch!

You can customize a wrap to your own taste!

Pasta is a good way to get carbs (and help get rid of the leftovers in your fridge)!