"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Tuesday Tidbit: How to ACE this School Year!

written by Rachel W.


Photo taken by @emadalon_photos on Instagram!

Have a big test coming up? Set aside time every night for a few days leading up to the test to study; you will do so much better if you aren’t trying to cram the night before.

Turn your phone off or put it in a different room when you are trying to study so you aren’t distracted by any notifications you receive.

Making time to study is extremely important, but it is just as important to make sure you have time to give yourself a break every so often.

Take a big load of work and break it down into more manageable pieces. For example, instead of memorizing 50 flashcards at once, memorize 10 at a time until you can do all 50 at once. This cuts out stress and makes you less susceptible to distractions!

Find music that helps you focus! There are tons of great playlists for studying on Spotify, or you can just go on the Internet and find music specifically made for focus. Or, if you are having trouble staying awake while studying, listen to gaming soundtracks (they are made to keep you awake and focused on the game, so it will help keep you alert to study).


Photo taken by @emadalon_photos on Instagram!

Have a specific place for everything – you can use a binder with dividers, an accordion folder, etc. Be sure to put all of your papers away in the right place so you don’t lose anything.

Get a planner and keep it organized (click here for some of our tips)!

Cleaning out your backpack, purse, locker, and pencil case every so often is extremely important! Clutter can be very distracting.

If you use a laptop or tablet for school, find a way to keep your files organized. And, just like physical clutter, a full desktop can be extremely distracting and make it hard to find things.



Photo taken by @emadalon_photos on Instagram!

If you are struggling in a certain subject, find a peer tutor or a study group. If the class is still unmanageable, find out what options you have in terms of level changes.

Stay on top of your work at the beginning of the semester! It will make things easier down the road because you aren’t trying to catch up on work.

Don’t work on other homework during class unless you are given time specifically to work on other things. Staying focused on the subject at hand is the best way to make sure you aren’t falling behind.

Getting the right amount of sleep will help you stay awake and focused during the day at school. If you manage your time and stay away from procrastination, this will be easier to do.

Most importantly, have faith that everything will work out. If you are having a hard time in a class you can find ways to do good! Unnecessary stress will only hurt you in the long run.