"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

The Social Media Cleanse!

by Emma Bartley

This past week, team member Jessica did a Social Media Cleanse! For one week, she gave up Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and House Party (a video chatting app). Overall, she said the week was very beneficial, and she would recommend the cleanse to others.

The first day without social media, Jessica spent most of her day at work so didn’t miss it very much.  However, during breaks, she realized that she would normally go on social media the entire time, and without being able to, she didn’t know what to do with herself!

As the week went on, Jessica missed social media more. She began to do other things, including cleaning out her closet and beginning to learn German, a language she has wanted to learn for a long time. Throughout the week, she listened to music on Spotify a lot more so that she could use her phone without going on social media. The last day without social media, she hung out with some friends, and realized how much other people used social media!

The biggest challenge for Jessica was giving up Snapchat. Jessica snapchats more than she texts, so she missed the communication with many of her friends for the week. Jessica felt that she could go without other social medias, but she had to have Snapchat just because of how much she uses the app to talk to her friends.

During the cleanse, Jessica didn’t care as much about what other people think. She had no pressure to post what she was doing, and she was never upset because she wasn’t able to see other people hanging out without her or things that would usually upset her. She also had a lot more free time because she didn’t have to check her feeds or spend time viewing her Snapchat stories.

Jessica says that she would definitely recommend the cleanse because she learned a lot about herself, developed new hobbies, felt less pressure from other people, and had more free time!