Ellie’s Trip Halfway Across the World!
by Emma Bartley

My great friend, Ellie, spent four weeks halfway across the world in South Africa! She participated in an exchange student program and was hosted by a girl named Kristin. Through her adventures, her perspective has changed and she is more aware of the many blessings in her life. Here’s why!
Ellie spent her month in a nice, one-story home. She immediately noticed differences between the U.S. and South Africa; her home had no heating and was only one story. In fact, almost every house was like that! Her house was also surrounded by a thick wall with electric wires at the top because of the high crime rate.
Ellie went to school with her host and also recognized many differences there. First, the grading scale is very different; in South Africa, a 70 is a good grade. Ellie was very surprised, because that is practically failing in the U.S! Tests were also completely written, unlike American tests, which are often multiple choice. She also saw that the student-teacher relationship is much more relaxed in the U.S. However, she felt that rules are much stricter in the United States. One time, some girls just got up and left the classroom without being dismissed!
Her favorite part of the trip was going to Kruger National Park. She went on a safari in two parts. On the first day, she rode in a car and toured the park. She saw baby zebras and giraffes right in front of her car! She then went on a walking tour and was able to see rare birds and white rhinos. On her trip, she also got to see a herd of elephants at a watering hole!
During the trip, Ellie missed the little things. In South Africa, they don’t have snack foods that we have in the United States; she missed being able to eat a bag of chips. They also don’t have peanut butter, so she missed eating the classic PB & J sandwich.
Over the course of the trip, Ellie’s perspective changed. She realized how much we take for granted in the United States. South Africa is one of the more developed countries in Africa, but it is still not as developed as the United States. There wasn’t free Wi-Fi in South Africa, and roads aren’t repaved as often as they are in the U.S. She realized how important it was to notice the blessings in her everyday life.
Ellie also loved how easy it was to be her true self surrounded by new people and in a different country where no one knew her. She had a completely clean slate! Ellie felt very welcomed in South Africa and loved how open and friendly everyone was.
Ellie’s story taught me a very important lesson. I should be more grateful for what I have and count my blessings more often. I don’t even think about the fact that I have heating and air-conditioning. I realized how blessed I am to be able to be myself without worrying. I am so lucky to have friends that accept me for who I am.
“Gratitude is the intention to count-your-blessings every day, every minute, while avoiding, whenever possible, the belief that you need or deserve different circumstances.” -Timothy Miller