"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

May 18th, 2017 Reflection

By Emma Bartley


Today I watched this video. I was in awe by this girl; she was wise beyond her age. Her message was simple: positivity starts with you.

We cannot expect our lives to be magically more positive if we don’t work to achieve that. A bad day or bad grade is not by chance, but rather how we view it. We need to start changing our mindset and being more positive about things to really make a difference in our own lives. Instead of complaining about how a teacher graded a test or how unfair the test was, reflect on what you can do better, and work on making next time even better!

I especially loved one specific thing that the girl said. She talked about the ACT and starting her day off right. She played her favorite music and high-fived people on the way to take the test. By changing her mood and how she felt about the test, she was able to achieve her dream score!

I think we all need to work on starting our day right. I challenge you to begin your day positively. When you wake up, maybe sit in bed and do some quick stretches. Eat a nice breakfast. When I am able to, I love to get up and see the sunrise, without any distractions. It is such an amazing way to start my day and makes me so much more aware of the beauty in the world and my role in it.

I remember hearing a short lesson that I think relates to this girls’ message. It goes like this:

If you had $86,400, and someone took $10 from you, would that $10 ruin the value of the rest of your money? Would you only think about that $10 or rather think about the big picture and how much money you still have? Chances are, you would not care that much if someone took $10. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Don’t let a stolen ten seconds ruin the rest of your day. Think about the big picture, and how much of an amazing day you have still had.

Think positively. It starts with you.