"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Book Recommendations: Finding Audrey

“Most people underestimate eyes. They’re infinite. You look someone straight in the eye and your whole soul can be sucked out in a nanosecond. Other people’s eyes are limitless and that’s what scares me.”

finding audrey

By Emma Bartley

Finding Audrey is a young-adult novel written by Sophie Kinsella. It is about a girl named Audrey who struggles with social anxiety, which is a disorder in which you fear interaction with other people because you worry you might be judged. Because of her disorder, Audrey wears sunglasses to avoid eye contact and refuses to go outside.

In the novel, Audrey is slowing making progress and growing out of her shell. One day, her brother’s friend, Linus, comes to her house. She first fears him, but she slowly connects with him like she has never been able to do before.

Finding Audrey is an adorable book about discovering oneself and the power of friendship. It is beautifully worded and really makes you think. It also brings to light anxiety disorders in an honest and realistic way, while still being lighthearted and enjoyable.

This novel is also hilarious. Audrey has an absurd sense of humor that guides her along her healing path. Many jokes and snarky comments are littered throughout the novel.

I would highly suggest this book for those of all ages who want a cute novel and an easy read. I personally flew through Finding Audrey; it only took me about a day. Finding Audrey is a relatable book that anyone can connect to and enjoy.

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