"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Stress Relief: Coloring!

Life can be extremely stressful, but it is difficult to set aside time to meditate for minutes on end. With this easy alternative, you can find time to relax in such a busy schedule.

By Emma Bartley

It can be difficult to meditate, whether it be because you don’t have enough time or you cannot sit still. Meditative coloring is a new alternative that can be fun and doable!

First, coloring can reduce anxiety. Coloring allows you to go into a meditative state, which brings your brain relief. Dr Stan Rodski, a neuropsychologist, says that “coloring elicits a relaxing mindset, similar to what you would achieve through meditation.” Additionally, a study done on Art Therapy by Nancy A Curry and Tim Kasser show the reduction of stress due to coloring.

Next, coloring gives us positive thoughts. When we color, we are reminded of when we were very little, and it brings back amazing memories. We remember simple times when we had no worries.

Coloring may also replace negative images with positive ones, according to brain scientist Dr. Joel Pearson. By focusing on which color to choose and where to color, we are concentrating on something other than our stressors.

Lastly, we can take our coloring books wherever we go. It is not hard to carry a few markers and the book! It can quell your boredom and also calm your mind.

So, next time you are feeling stressed, take some time to color! Such a simple action can make a huge difference.

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