"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Tuesday Tidbit: Myers Briggs Test

The Myers Briggs Test: an insightful quiz for when you are bored and want to learn about yourself!

myers briggsBy Emma Bartley

The Myers Briggs Test is a personality test that places you into 4 different categories.

First you are either “E” or “I”-extroverted vs. introverted. Extroverts are highly energized by being around others, while introverts prefer working alone or in small groups.

You are also placed as “S” or “N”-sense vs. intuition. People who are “S” are realistic people who like to focus on facts and specific details, and they tend to use past experience to come up with solutions. “N” people tend to see the big picture or find patterns, and they seek creative solutions to problems.

Next, you are placed as either “T” or “F”-thinkers or feelers. Thinkers tend to make decisions using logic, weighing the pros and cons of the situation. Feelers tend to base decisions on their own personal values and how others will be affected by their actions.

Lastly, you are categorized as either “J” or “P”-judger or perceiver. Judgers like to make and stick to plans, while perceivers keep their options open and act spontaneously.

Why take the Myers Briggs Test?

The Myers Briggs Test is a wonderful insight to who you are and what your personality is like. By taking this test, you can see what jobs your personality fits best. You can also see what your strengths and weaknesses are, so that you can develop your strengths and work on your weaknesses. The test also provides you with fun facts, like what celebrities you share a personality type with and how you develop relationships.

Want to take the test yourself?