"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare


written by Rachel W.

Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the most influential writers from the 19th century. He, along with other famous authors such as Henry David Thoreau, led the transcendentalist movement that took place in this time period. And though his works are fairly long, this article will summarize and explain the message of his essay titled “Self-Reliance.”

For reference, you can find the full text here. 

In this essay, Emerson delves into the idea of appreciating oneself in order to achieve personal growth. He consistently refers to society’s tendency to downplay individual accomplishments, and that we should learn to share our ideas with the world. This message is important today, as the rise of social media and increasing pressures in school and sports have caused many people, both young and old, to lack confidence in themselves and not reach their dreams and goals. Emerson states that if we can grasp the contentment that comes from independence, we can be truly successful.

One of my favorite lines from the essay is this –

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think.”

Emerson is not saying we should throw all caution to the wind and do whatever we want whenever we want. He states that we should be our own #1 supporters and not place so much value in the opinions of others. Throughout the essay his tone is that of awe for the complexity and capability of the mind; Emerson hopes that the audience will expand on their knowledge and allow themselves to reach their fullest potential.

The essay’s message is perfectly aligned with the transcendentalist ideals that Emerson is known to represent. Individuality is stressed as the key to living a full life. People, at their core, are good and pure, and being self-reliant helps us stay that way. Independence is valued above all and when one can be truly themselves, they can access knowledge that only comes through their own senses.

While you might not be the most adherent follower of this ideology, or think the essay is a little over-the-top, there are still some great takeaways from the message of the essay itself. In a time where society encourages us to conform to expectations, these words are a breath of fresh air. Many people struggle with self-confidence, but Emerson strives to encourage these individuals. He states,

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

If we learn to stand strong and trust our intuition, it will take us far in life.

This essay teaches us that throughout history, many things have remained constant: societal expectations (whatever they may be), people that struggle sharing ideas for fear of being shot down, etc. How we respond to these pressures, however, is what sets us apart from the crowd. Being able to accept ourselves and sincerely be self-reliant holds an amazing amount of power. If we are driven to stay true to ourselves, we can accomplish great things!

One thought on ““Self-Reliance”

  • September 12, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Nicely written! You explain his ideas of individualism very well.

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