"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Love You Forever

written by Kate H.

“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”

This quote is from one of my family’s favorite books to read when my brother and I were young: “Love you Forever” by Robert Munich. The quote and the book perfectly encapsulate a parent’s unwavering love for their children. Parents are constantly trying to find moments to share their wisdom and life advice with their children and to provide them with opportunities to reach their potential. For many, particularly around Valentine’s Day, the advice is centered around love and relationships. Our parents often know us better than we know ourselves and can see our situations for what they are without the emotional blocks we experience. Their opinions are incredibly valuable; however, our day-to-day lives can become so hectic that we never slow down to appreciate them. Therefore, I thought putting it in writing would help!

For our focus on relationships in the month of February, I decided to do some searching to find advice that parents want to give to their children when they are dating. Below are some of the tips I found that I hope will help you in your relationships!

“Put your phones down and talk to each other.”

We hear this one all the time but I think it’s one of the most important pieces of advice to consider. Communication skills are vital in any relationship, and too often our phones get in the way.

“Be honest when you’re hurting.”

Again, this quote emphasizes communication. You cannot wait and hope your significant other will “pick-up” on your hints that something is bothering you. Don’t hold things in, speak to each other, and be honest about your feelings.

“Never go to bed angry.”

Unresolved problems are like a tightly pulled rubber band just waiting to snap under the tension. The more you discuss what is on your mind the looser the band gets, the more relaxed you become, and the more you are able to just enjoy the presence of the person you love.

“Never date a boy who isn’t nice to their mom.”

This one can go both ways. Even though we all have testing moments with our parents, the way we treat them can say a lot about who we are and the respect we give others. How someone treats their parents may reflect how they will eventually treat you.

“Be selfish when it comes to deciding your future, but selfless in loving people in the present.”

Many of us have always been told of the importance of thinking of others, but when it comes to your future it’s okay, in fact essential, to look out for yourself. This time is your life and your chance to do what you want and be who you want to be.

As for my mom and dad, here’s what they had to say:

Mom: “Always be yourself and make sure you trust whomever you’re with. Trust is one of the most important things in any relationship.”

Dad: “Be yourself because who you are is good enough. You don’t have to be someone you’re not for someone else.”

I hope these pieces of wisdom and advice can help throughout this month of love!