Spreading Kindness!
written by Emma Bartley
As 2017 comes to a close and 2018 is just around the corner, the She is Fierce team has a challenge for you: we challenge you to make 2018 a year of spreading kindness with others. How do you do this? By inspiring others to be their best selves.
Much of hate comes from putting others down to make ourselves feel better. It may be that we want to fit in more, that we are angry at someone for treating us poorly, or that we don’t like a quality in others that we see in ourselves. By inspiring others to be the best version of themselves, we can in turn make others want to spread kindness and encourage others to be their best selves as well.
Here are some simple tips on how to help others to be their best selves!
- Give sincere compliments. It doesn’t necessarily have to be towards someone you know. You can compliment someone on their work, on their outfit, on their makeup, on their kindness…anything!
- Model positive traits that you would want to see in others. People will notice and try their best to act positively as well.
- Send kind texts. If you think of someone when you listen to a song or find a funny picture that you think someone will enjoy, let them know! My friends have done that for me before, and it always seems to be when I need it the most. Who knows; maybe you will make someone’s day infinitely better with just one short text!
Give without expecting anything in return. Be giving of your time. Be giving of your talents. Be giving of your attention. It makes people feel appreciated and in turn, they will want to return the kindness.
- Let people know of their mistakes. You don’t have to do it meanly; say it kindly and compassionately, letting them know they made a mistake but that you have forgiven them. You will make them aware of something they can work on. Don’t hold a grudge over something they may not even realize they did wrong!
- Listen to others. Nod your head, maintain eye contact, and make comments. This encourages others to continue sharing their ideas!
- Go out of your way to meet others. It make be awkward at first, but you never know who might be your best friend or who needs a smile to brighten up their day!
Say thank you. It lets people know that you noticed their help and are grateful for it, and it will encourage them to continue doing what they did!
- Be kind to yourself. Recognize your own faults and work to improve them. By being kinder to yourself, you will be kind to others.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop
Have a wonderful new year!