"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Healthy Snacks for on the Go!

written by Kate H.

It’s all too familiar. The snoozing of the alarm, the long days at school, the immediate drive to practice. Before you know it, it’s 6 o’clock and your body is exhausted. You have no energy because in the midst of your busy afternoon you haven’t eaten since lunch! Here are some of my favorite healthy, quick, grab-and-go snacks that are sure to help you make it through your day without that mid-afternoon crash, especially before and after your activities after school.

Homemade Trailmix    

Nuts+ Craisins + dark chocolate chunks

Tip: My favorite nuts are almonds, pistachios, and peanuts!



Little Dippers

Carrots, peppers, and hummus

Tip: To ensure a crunch from your carrots, put them in a baggy and put your hummus in a separate container.



The Salty Classic

Triscuits and cheese

Tip: My favorites are the cracked black pepper Triscuits with sharp white cheddar cheese slices. The spice from the pepper matches perfectly with the strong cheese flavor.



Kind Bars & Larabars

Protein bars can be very processed so it is important to find brands with wholesome ingredients. Kind Bars and Larabars are two of my favorites.



With protein, sugars, and great flavors, these snacks are guaranteed to help you make it to the next meal! Always drink plenty of water and remember to stay fueled-up throughout your day to ensure you can work hard and put your best work forward in academics and extra-curriculars. Good Luck!