"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Friday Fun: Setting Up Your Planner!

written by Jessica Stein

With the school year just starting, life can be a bit crazy. Whether you have a job, do a school or club sport, are a student, or just have a busy social life, you can benefit from having a planner. Personally, I love my planner, but it’s been a long journey getting there. It takes a while to get used to thinking about writing everything in your life down in a little book, but it will ultimately help you become and stay on top of your schedule. Below you will find the steps I follow when getting a new planner.

  1. Find a design or style that you like.

Look at all the options; shop online or at different stores, and see what pulls your attention.

  1. Find the size that is right for you.

Do you like a pocket-sized book or more of a standard printer paper size? It’s all up to what’s convenient for you to carry.

  1. Buy it & personalize!

Add stickers, monograms, or even draw on it if you want.

  1. Start with this month.

Don’t stress about setting up the whole planner at once. Start out with the current month, think out your schedule, and start planning. Go day by day until you have it all (or just what you want) written out.

  1. Organize it.

Find out what works for you. Here are some of our tips!

-Try using different colored pens to write down homework, activities, work, etc. or simply write out everything you need to do for a certain day.

-You can also add sticky notes or tabs with important reminders on certain days.

-Write out everything you need in advance. Don’t put school projects in your planner just on the due date; be sure to write it days before!

-Break up big goals and projects over multiple days! You are more likely to finish it if it isn’t such a daunting task.

-When you are finished with something, cross it out! It makes you feel very accomplished.

  1. Carry it with you everywhere!

Now that basically your whole life for the next year is planned here, you do not want to forget this when going anywhere.


Here are some cute options:

$19.99 at Target
$15.95 at Bloom Daily Planners
$7.47 at Walmart

If these styles (or prices) don’t call your name, you can always go visit your nearest Target, Walmart, Walgreens, any office supply store, or shop online and browse until you find one you like!