How to Be an A+ Note-Taker!
written by Kate H.
We all know the feeling…as you open your notebook or computer on the first day of class and are excited by the blank, clean slate you have to work with. You begin to think of all the different ways you can take your notes; colors, fonts, drawings, outlines. You set yourself up, sit up tall and…then the teacher starts talking. Everything you prepared goes down the drain and you begin to frantically scratch down anything and everything you can remember that comes out of their mouth. By the end of class you look at your mess of notes with disappointment. As you go back through you realize you must have missed a few things because the facts just aren’t adding up, but you can’t go back now and are left googling information to fill in the blanks.
Well, I’ve done some research and also added some of my own personal ideas on how to become an A+ note taker. It IS possible to get all of the needed information written down in an orderly fashion, but it does take practice and preparation. Below are some super easy steps and hints on how to improve your note-taking skills for this upcoming school year.
Before Class:
Know HOW you are going to take your notes. Decide beforehand whether you want to type or write, keeping in mind that typing is more time-efficient, but writing helps you remember the information better. This choice may be decided based on what your teacher allows or how fast they speak.
- Pick a COLOR to use. Colors are very sensually stimulating. Whether you type or write, you can always choose among many different colors. For me, I love typing or writing in the color blue. Color preference is something you can only figure out through practice, so if one does not come to mind now, try many different colors and decide upon the best one for you!
- Decide upon a LAYOUT. Sometimes this cannot be done until you are in the class based upon the material you will be learning. However, if you know the topics of discussion, you can always pre-title your pages and decide if you learn best through bullet points, complete sentences, or even bubbles of information. Again, this is personal preference, so you must find what helps you learn and remember information the best.
During Class:
- Remain CALM. A natural response to a professor’s lectures is panic. However, this is one of the worst things you can do. You will begin to feel overwhelmed and your brain will lose focus; you will not comprehend the information that is being given to you. It is important to know what your professor or teacher is like ahead of time and prepare yourself, not only physically, but mentally for class. Take a deep breath, tell yourself you can do it, and listen carefully.
- If allowed, ASK questions. Don’t be afraid to put your hand up and ask. Your teacher teaches the same thing every year; of course they understand it! Their purpose is to make sure YOU understand the information. It is much better to ask now than be confused later.
- Sit up tall. As you slouch and your shoulders relax, so does your brain. The drowsiness will set in, and although you may still be taking notes, you will not comprehend the material. So straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, and do not hunch over. Who would have known that your posture could effect your notes!
- If allowed, bring cold WATER. We all know that sitting up tall and paying attention sounds great but can be very hard to do in the moment. Whether you had a long, busy day the day before, you stayed up late studying, or you just didn’t get enough sleep, it can be hard to remain focused. That is when self discipline is most important. It often helps to have cold water with you. The chill can help jump-start your brain and help wake you up. Not only will it help you pay attention, it will keep you hydrated and can cool you down if you get hot!
After class:
1) Take a deep BREATH. You did it. One class down! Do something else for a little while to let your brain (and hands) recover and absorb the information. Reward yourself with some food (click here for some of our snack suggestions!), music, or Netflix!
2) READ over your notes. When you get home, even if its right before bed, skim over your notes to remind yourself of all the new information you learned in class. This will help you retain the information so that you wont cram to learn it all the night before your exam.
3) REPEAT everything; from rereading your notes, to saying them aloud multiple times. Repetition is a great way for our brains to fully comprehend and remember things we learned throughout the day.
Taking notes does not have to be stressful. Though it does take patience and preparation, so does everything else in life. Practice these note-taking skills and work hard in all of your classes. Make this school year the best one yet!